How to Run Whatsapp on Desktop Version in Windows and Mac

How to Run Whatsapp on Desktop Version in Windows and Mac

Now  WhatsApp chat service is available on desktop version today in world most of the user using this Application because easy to use chat and share everything like images, video clips, files to share very fast and easy
Whatsapp Application also supports on desktop version windows 8 and higher version and Mac 10.9 and higher version you can use on official website of Whatsapp
 Whatsapp application of desktop version synchronize data from your smartphone you can see unread notification on your web application desktop  

Now I will show you how to use Whatsapp on desktop version

It’s required to install Whatsapp application on your smartphone before you use your desktop version

Listen here carefully then open the WhatsApp official website it’s open and visible QR Code on your desktop then take your phone once you have to scan QR Code from your smartphone.

Whatsapp Desktop Version

When its confirm your scan then you can write and receive messages from your computer when you write a message on the browser at the same time you can also see on your smartphone.

when you complete your work don’t forget to log out on your smartphone because someone will use on desktop